Zucchini Slice
Great dish to have as a meal, or cut up into bite sized pieces for a healthy snack.
- 3 moderate sized zucchinis
- 1 tomato finely chopped
- 4 mushrooms sliced
- 3 garlic cloves minced
- 1 cup chopped parsley
- ½ cup parmesan cheese
- ½ cup shallots
- 60 grams butter
- 200 grams chopped bacon
- 1 cup almond, cashew or organic soy milk
- 6 eggs
- salt & pepper to taste
- Melt butter. Mix ingredients together until well combined.Oil and line a shallow baking tray with baking paper
- Cook in a moderate oven, approximately 170 degrees C for 40 mins checking occasionally. Cooked when skewer emerges clean. Ensure lightly browned on top.
- Serve with side salad.
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